Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Christine Schott

If it's not too late, here is my note about Nammon.  My address is 210
Mary Ave., #5 / Charlottesville, VA 22903 / USA.

Mananya set the bar very high for those wishing to follow in her
footsteps and live a life of joy, sincerity, and love.  Here are a few
of the many lessons she taught me that I will always remember:

All things can be an object of fascination and excitement: never
forget to enjoy what you’re doing, whether it’s eating ice cream or
teaching undergraduate physics.

Make room for the Piglet in your life, and keep an eye out for the
Whinnie the Pooh who will be your second self.

Never be afraid of people, places, and beliefs that are different or
foreign.  Embrace and respect all people for who they are at their
best, and love them with selfless compassion even when they are at
their worst.  You may have something to learn from them, and they
probably do have something to learn from you.

Know that heartbreak is worse than bodily pain, and strive never to be
a cause of either to anyone in your life.

Remember that death is only a passage into something new: face it
bravely and with good humor and you will make those around you brave
as well.

All these things Mananya exemplified in her life; I know I, myself,
will always try to honor all of her greatest qualities in my own.

~Christine Schott

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